Ahhh yes, the middle of December...the time of year when it really starts to snow and temperatures drop below zero. Every year around this time, I find myself questioning why the hell I still live in this state. I absolutely hate winter...always have, always will.
Today I was talking with my friend Andy and I was saying how I didn't want to go outside because it was so damn cold. Andy's words were, "Man up! I'm outside everyday for recess for two hours." (No, I'm not friends with a little kid...Andy works at a school.) I couldn't believe they still made the kids go outside when it's this cold. In my day, we had inside recess when it got to be really cold. Andy then said, "I have the final call whether recess is outside or not. I hate inside recess, so I make the kids go outside every day." I don't know about you, but that sounds like child abuse to me. I think I'd much rather stay inside and play Connect Four than catch a mad case of frostbite. But hey, that's just me.
There is a plus to winter though. Last year, I went skiing for the first time since I was about 12. I went a few times and had a blast each time out. However, the weather was actually somewhat mild on those days. As much fun as skiing is, it's not enough to make me like winter. At this point, I'm pretty sure I'd be fine with never seeing snow for the rest of my life. Maybe one day I'll move somewhere else and have to complain about hurricanes or earthquakes instead of winter.
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