I'd like to make an announcement that many people will probably consider blasphemous. And that announcement is...Chipotle is garbage.
I'd seriously like to know what all the fuss is about. Chipotle has been quite popular amongst the American public for a number of years now and I still don't understand why. Has the company brainwashed people into thinking it's good? I've eaten there two or three times and I've never finished my meal. Why? Not because it filled me up...but because this was my reaction after eating it. Even one of my friends has said, "I'd rather get shot than eat at Chipotle." Now there's a bold statement if I've ever heard one.
I'd like to introduce you to Qdoba. Many of you have probably not heard of this place. Well let me tell you something...it's glorious. And it easily usurps Chipotle. Allow me to make an analogy. Qdoba is to Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings, as Chipotle is to Adrian Peterson of the Chicago Bears. For those of you keeping track at home, that's 1,657 yards on the season to 83. Ouch. Take a hike, Chipotle.
I can almost assure you that Joseph Hartwell will come in here throwing a fit, hurling heavy objects, cussing at the top of his lungs, swearing up and down that Chipotle is the greatest ever. Sorry my friend, sometimes you just have to accept the truth and free yourself from delusion. Qdoba > Chipotle. You heard it here first.