I know I can't be the only person who dislikes certain phrases or words. I'm not talking about derogatory or offensive words. I'm referring to words/phrases that just sound stupid and make me shake my head or roll my eyes whenever I hear them. If you use any of the following words/phrases, you may receive a look of disgust from me...
Stoked: This word just reeks of frat boy douchebaggery. The only time this word should be used is in a sentence like, "I just stoked the fire." And even then it's a bit iffy.
Chill: First off, I gotta say that most connotations of this word are acceptable. I only hate it when it's used in a certain context. This word is fine to use when saying something along the lines of, "I'm going to chill tonight." However, I can't stand when it's used to describe a situation. "That party was chill." I don't know, something just irks me about that.
Gotcha Question: Who the hell came up with this stupid ass term? Probably somebody who caught feelings after coming off like a moron in an interview. I can't recall this phrase ever being used before this election, but it's been thrown around like it's going out of style. Instead of "gotcha" question, why don't we call it what it really is..."make a politician sound like a jackass" question. Do we really need a term that refers to this? Probably not.
Maverick: Thank you, Sarah Palin. I can no longer watch a Dallas Mavericks game without thinking about how you used the word 42 times in each one of your speeches.
Do Work: This got old after the first season of Rob & Big. Hang it up.
Whatev: I think this is mostly a girl thing. But come on, are you really that lazy that you're going to leave off the "er"? I just can't get with this word. Whatev.
Hawt: If you respect yourself, you won't ever spell "hot" like this.
Buddy: This is something you call your dog, not your friend.
What's For Nutrients?: I threw this on the list just to get a laugh out of my friend Joe. I don't hate this question, I actually think it's pretty funny. It originates from when Joe lived with his older brother. Every day, Joe's brother would ask him "What's for nutrients?" instead of "What's for dinner?" And apparently his brother thought it was amusing. Upon further review, was it clever? No. Mildly entertaining? Maybe. Stupid as hell? Absolutely.
I'm sure there's more, but this is all I could think of for now. In closing, if you refrain from using any of the aforementioned words or phrases, you'll be okay in my book.
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