This post is kind of random. It's not like my squad is playing the Packers this weekend or anything. I was just thinking about how much I can't stand that organization. Now I'm a Vikings fan, so I'm obviously a little biased on this topic. That being said, I just have a hard time respecting anything associated with the Green Bay Packers. Namely their fans. It's fine to be a die hard fan of a team. I'm not knocking that. But Packers fans take it to a whole other level. Shall we proceed with the examples? Yes, lets.
#1) About a year or so ago, a friend of mine told me about an encounter he had with a Packers fan. Mind you, this was when Brett Favre was still with the team. So this friend of mine tells me that one night, one of his pals asks him if he wants to go out for some drinks. My friend asks what the occasion is. The guy responds, "We're going to celebrate Brett Favre's birthday." Disgust. Celebrating Favre's birthday? Have you no shame? I'm positive that even the biggest Patriots fan doesn't celebrate Tom Brady's birthday. Yet somehow, Packers fans find this type of behavior acceptable. I hope my friend severed all ties with that individual after that conversation.
#2) How about the story about the 11 year old kid who wore a Brett Favre jersey every single day for 4 years? No that's not an exaggeration. It's not like he wore it a lot and it just SEEMED like he wore it every day. He DID wear it every day. What the hell is wrong with people? The kid's mom washed the jersey every two days and would mend it when it started wearing out. The kids at his school must've thought he was a dirtball of epic proportions. Or maybe not. Considering they were most likely Packers fans too, they probably thought the kid's style was fresh. If I were the mom, I would've burned that old haggard jersey long before I mended it. Be a responsible parent for crying out loud!
#3) This is one of my favorites. A man was arrested for taping a Packers jersey to his 7 year old son. Again I ask, what the hell is wrong with these idiots? Is it really that serious to root for your squad that you'll tape a jersey onto your kid, who probably knows little to nothing about football? "Dammit son, you're wearing this Favre jersey and cheering for the Packers whether you like it or not." Absolutely pathetic.
#4) They wear cheese on their heads. CHEESE! Yeah yeah, fans get dressed up and wear silly stuff all the time. But cheese?? Wow, the intimidation factor is off the charts. Watch out, the cheese might get you. SMH
#5) Although the Vikings/Packers rivalry isn't quite the same without Favre, thank God he's out of the division now so we don't have to hear the commentators ride his jock so hard anymore. The obvious joke is John Madden's man-crush on Favre...so I won't even go there. The most asinine statement that I ever heard about Favre came from somebody else. Last year, Chris Berman had the audacity to say..."Rooting for Favre is like rooting for America." I don't remember my exact reaction when I heard this, but I'm pretty sure it involved hurling an object at the TV. You heard it right folks...Brett Favre encompasses all that is America. *Pukes*
1 comment:
My father used to tape a shirt to me... but that's only because my only shirt was damn near disintegrating and the school wouldn't let me go without a shirt. Emotional abuse, not really the same as the physical abuse described in your blog entry.
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