Am I the only one who is getting sick and tired of all of the whining, crying, pointing fingers, he said/she said, political bullshit? I'm getting a little irritated by commercials of candidates bashing their opponent. Maybe once in a while they could tell us what THEY'RE going to do if they get elected, as opposed to what the other guy won't do. I'm also tired of everyone telling everyone who they should vote for. This goes for people on both sides of the fence. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't have an opinion. I have my own opinion. Am I going to vote for Obama? Yes. Do I think Sarah Palin is qualified to be a VP? Hell no. Should this effect your decision? Absolutely not. You should vote for somebody because YOU think they're the best candidate, not because some other schmuck told you to.
This post was inspired by political "discussions" that I have at work. My boss is a good guy and I get along fine with him. However, we don't see eye-to-eye when it comes to politics. He's a bit more conservative than the average person. I think it's pointless to get into political arguments because they just lead to people getting pissed off and nobody ever changes their mind. My boss seems to think otherwise. Almost every day, he complains to me about something the Democrats did...as if I'm a spokesman for them and can do something about it. Most of the time I just nod and go about my business. Sometimes I'll offer a comeback, but I try not to waste my breath. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the most informed person when it comes to politics, so debating about political issues is something that I'm really not interested in doing.
If I want to be informed about this election, I'll do the research myself. I don't need Joe Bag-o-Donuts to tell me who I should vote for.
**Just a little side rant. Seriously, who the hell can stand listening to Rush Limbaugh?? My boss listens to that garbage every day. There are few members of the media that I find more annoying than him. Thankfully I have other listening options at work.
Anywho...see you at the polls on November 4th.
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