If you know me, you probably know that I have two roommates named Ches and Olvin. If you don't know us, you're probably thinking, "What the hell kind of names are those?" But that's beside the point. So the other night, I'm upstairs working on a paper for school (cuz I'm so studious) and Ches is downstairs watching TV. Olvin is gone at this point. During a commercial break, Ches decides to run down to the basement real quick to get some laundry started. This is the conversation that took place when he came back up...
Ches: (Yelling upstairs) "Did Olvin just come in and then leave?"
Me: "No, what the hell are you talking about?"
Ches: "The back door is wide open."
(The door that Ches is referring to is the door that we usually use to go in and out of the house.) Back to the story...
Me: "Are you sure you didn't just leave it open?"
Ches: "I'm sure. When I was in the basement, I heard someone open the door and walk around."
Me: "That's weird. I didn't hear anything."
Right about now we're still thinking it was Olvin who did it. Olvin comes in about 10 minutes later and we ask him about it. He said it wasn't him. So at this point, we're all just like WTF??
About 20 minutes later, Ches realizes that his laptop is gone. He had left it in the living room when he went down to the basement and it was now missing. Then a little later, we come to find out that his iPod and a backpack that he had left in the kitchen were missing as well. So lets get this straight...some random ass person walked into the house, didn't make enough noise for me to hear them, grabbed some shit, and then was gone like a thief in the night (literally)...all within the span of no more than 2 minutes. Not to mention they left the door wide open...come on now, at least shut the door so bugs don't get in the house. My intuition tells me that the culprit recently watched Three Ninjas or Batman Begins and learned how to get their sneak on.
Is Unsolved Mysteries still on TV? I think I'm going to submit this story to them so we can get to the bottom of this. I hope they get somebody good to re-enact the crucial role that I played in all this. I guess the moral of the story is don't ever go down in your basement to do laundry. Either that or just keep your doors locked. One or the other.
Thats nuts homey. Leave a couple of bullet boxes not actual bullets) in your trash this week. give em the impression you "clipped up" lol
-roxx the king
Robert Stack has bigger fish to fry.....like being in BASEketball or Airplane!
Woops....or being dead.
R.I.P. Robert Stack (1919-2003)
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